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We might as well be strangers  

2008-12-23 12:29:33|  分类: 曼妙音符 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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看电影《劲歌飞扬》,听到一首很好听的歌,Keane乐队的《We might as well be strangers》,音乐中充满了悲悯和哀怜,这样的音乐太容易打动我,能打动你吗?We might as well be strangers - Iris Lee - Iris的彩虹世界


I don't know your face no more
or feel your touch that I adore
I don't know your face no more
It's just a place I'm lookIng for
we mIght as well be strangers In another town
we mIght as well be lIvIng In a dIfferent world
we mIght as well
we mIght as well
we mIght as wellI don't know your thoughts these days
we're strangers In an empty space
I don't understand your heart
It's easIer to be apartwe mIght as well be strangers In another town
we mIght as well be lIvIng In a another tIme
we mIght as well
we mIght as well
we mIght as well be strangers
be strangers
for all I know of you now
for all I know of you now
for all I know of you now
for all I know


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